A long distance memorial solution.

Leveraging today’s technologies to remember yesterday’s precious moments.

  • Our goal is to develop a robust network of videographers that can show up, film anywhere, and live stream successfully wherever there is a connection.
  • Live streaming publishes the video online for all to see, or those with special access, to see on their own time.
  • Should a location not have internet, the processes will be captured and ‘live streamed’ later.
  • Supplemental lighting is also available as needed for dark venues.

What is Tributestream?

Tribute Stream is a state of the art streaming platform that connects families across the globe when they cannot personally attend funeral and memorial services for loved ones and friends. 

Attending a funeral can be costly, and sometimes impossible due to circumstances. ​

  • Families pay expensive last minute flight costs, hotel costs, food costs, clothes, child care, etc.
  • Not being able to view a procession because of work or other responsibilities can create lifelong guilt.
  • Money that could otherwise be spent on helping a family in need is spent on travel costs.
  • Flying contributes to environmental pollution.
  • If you cannot attend a procession, taking part in honoring friends and family is limited.

Tributestream helps connect us

“I moved from the USA to Russia about a year ago and my grandpa died very unexpectedly recently. My grandma is also really struggling with it, he went into hospital on a Friday to start radiation treatments for an undetected cancer and was dead by Sunday.



His funeral is on Friday and there is literally no possible way for me to make it without spending like $4,000, however I am dealing with a lot of guilt surrounding it. All of my other family will be there and I can’t help but feel selfish and disappointed. Logically I know there’s nothing I can do

but how do you get over these feelings? I feel like it’s going to swallow me.”

 1 year ago

Book Your Memorial Live Stream Now

Tributestream is registered with the U.S. Pat & TM Office. We are a registered organization located in Orlando, Florida. 

Copyright 2021